d2 Content FREE
d2 Content FREE makes it easier to create and manage your articles.
It does not replace "Content > Articles". It just uses the same content as Joomla with an optimized backend form. You can use both alongside each other!
We have created an documentation to explain how to install extensions in Joomla. This will help you if you are unfamiliar with installing something to Joomla.
Once you have installed it, come back here and continue with the configuration of d2 Content Free.
In the menu "Components" you should have an entry: "d2 Content Free".
d2 Content uses the global configuration of Articles (com_content) that you can configure via the menu "Content" > "Articles" > [Options].
Our component d2 content Free has two extra options that you can configure via: "Components" > "d2 Content Free" > Dashboard [Options]
- Show Intro Image in articles - select if you want to display the article's Intro_image in the list of articles
- Show Category Image in categories - select if you want to display the article's Intro_image in the list of categories
By default both are set to Show.
Info: You have to open the options one time and save it, to show the correct configuration.
Admin Menu
For easy Joomla content editing we suggest you add a backend menu for your users. When you install d2 Content there will be already a module with the according entries. You can use this one or follow our instructions in the documentation to create your own Joomla Admin Menu in the backend.
There are no extra permissions in d2 Content free as the Joomla default permission system for Joomla content is used. You can setup different menu items for different usergroups but otherwise there is always only one edit form.
If you want to adjust the fields per usergroup you will have to get d2 Content Pro where you can setup all the fields and tabs according to your needs.
Look 'n' Feel
This is how the content edit form for articles will look like in d2 Content free in the backend (we don't offer an option to change the frontend form).
If you have any further questions please use our support system.