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d2 Profiles (Joomla 4 & 5)

d2 Profiles is a backend component for Joomla! that helps your users manage and edit items in the backend more easily.

d2 Profiles works along with Joomla's standard Articles Manager (com_content) and also other Joomla extensions.

What is new?

You will get easy forms for editing your content (not just articles) - just the fields you need.

d2 Content (Joomla 3)

d2 Content is a backend component for Joomla! - with a FREE and a PRO version -  that helps your customers manage and edit items in the backend more easily.

d2 Content works along with Joomla's standard Articles Manager (com_content) and with your existing articles and custom fields (since 2.1 PRO).

What is different?

You will get an easy form for editing your content - just the fields you need.


hCaptcha is a free CAPTCHA plugin for Joomla! that helps your to reduce SPAM.